Iron Glory Poster (18" x 24") & Design Files
Buy this poster and get a download link to the design files for Iron Glory for FREE!
(Some of you have been asking for a nice frame that works with this poster, you can grab one here: https://amzn.to/2RyXxvu )
This is particularly cool because you will slap that poster on the wall of your office, bedroom, whatever, and it will be a constant reminder to yourself that YOU HAVE THE FILES. GO DO SOMETHING AMAZING WITH THEM.
- Reverse engineer them to learn how giant robots are designed.
- Design your own awesome giant robot weapon and see how it would look attached to a MegaBot.
- Organize a group and go build your own giant robot.
- Get access to our Discord chat room through Patreon, so you can join the community discussion, and chat in real-time about the designs, and get help. Bonus: The MegaBots CEO (That's me in the poster!) hangs out in there.
- Have a pretty epic Halloween costume next year.
- 3D-print a mini Iron Glory to sit on your desk.
After you purchase this poster, you'll receive an email with the download link. The files will be provided in the following formats:
1) A .stp file which you should be able to open in most CAD programs.
2) A "Pack-and-go" export of the entire project from Autodesk Inventor. If you have access to Inventor, you should use this file because it will contain all of the parameterizations and constraints of the design. This will allow you to manipulate it much easier.
If you purchase this poster, we'll keep your email on file and periodically send you updates. For example, maybe some kind soul somewhere converts this design from Autodesk Inventor into Autodesk Fusion 360 (a free CAD program). If that happens, we'll shoot you an email and let you know.
We hope that this will create a community around building giant robots.
Legal Disclaimer:
"MegaBots" is a trademark owned by "MegaBots, Inc." By purchasing this poster, and receiving a link to the design files, you do not have permission to call whatever you build a "MegaBot." If you're just going to make some fan-art, have at it, but if you start to make money off of it and don't talk to us first, we'll sue you because we have mean lawyers. Also, if you build something and kill yourself or other people, it's not our fault.